ACME Bodywork Services

Craniosacral Therapy

$75 - 60mins | $100 - 90mins

Craniosacral therapy is a technique that involves very subtle, gentle movements which are focused on the bones of the skull, vertebrae, pelvic bones and the sacrum. These subtle movements spur slight shifts in the joints which then directly affect the cerebrospinal fluid that encases the brain and spinal cord. This allows the craniosacral rhythm to re-set itself and restore balance. This technique induces deep relaxation and is used primarily for people who experience chronic emotional stress, headaches, migraines, sinus congestion/inflammation, dizziness, vertigo, chronic neck/shoulder tension and chronic pain and tension of the jaw, also know as TMJD (Temporomandibular joint dysfunction).

Floating Joint Technique

$75 - 60mins | $100 - 90mins

All joints are normally under compression from muscle tension and can be put in temporary traction by pulling on them. However, the joint can also be put in a neutral state where it experiences the sensation of floatation.As the joint is this state of 'floating', powerful self-correcting responses can be elicited by way of homeostatic reflexes. This is a very subtle technique that has virtually no contraindications. Floating Joint has been applied with long-lasting effectiveness to any auto-immune disorder such as rheumatoid arthritis or fibromyalgia, and has proven very effective with whiplash from automobile accidents and severe falls.

Positional Release Therapy (PRT) with trigger point work

$75 - 60mins | $100 - 90mins

Positional Release is accomplished by placing the body is its most comfortable position in order to reset the sensors in the muscles and joints, collectively known as the proprioceptors. By targeting these sensors, the musculoskeletal system returns to a healthier state, eliminating pain and allowing joints to move back to a dynamic balance. With the right amount of pressure and correct positioning, PRT is a highly effective technique to restoring function to muscles, fascia, bones and joints.

Pressure Sensitivity Technique

$75 - 60mins | $100 - 90mins

Problematic and chronic patterns develop in the body as a result of injuries, repetitive use/activity (usually work related), stress, poor postural habits and inactivity. These patterns involve both the body as a whole while at the same time having local impact in the musculature and joints. The focus of this modality is on the body as a uniquely organized "tensegrity structure" and addresses structural imbalances found in the connective tissue network, also known as "myofascia." This technique is gentle, yet invigorating as it combines gentle mobilizations, rocking movements and superficial to deep compression. The purpose is to calm the nervous system as well as lengthen and rebalance myofascia.


$75 - 60mins | $100 - 90mins

Ortho-Bionomy was developed by Dr. Arthur Lincoln Pauls, a British osteopath, who wanted to find a way to work with the body which honored the body's inherent wisdom. The term "Ortho-Bionomy" comes from "ortho" meaning correct or straight, "bio" meaning life, and "nomy" meaning the laws of or study of "the correct application of the laws of life." Ortho-Bionomy stimulates the body's self-correcting and self-balancing mechanism by way of the proprioceptive reflexes located in our muscles and joints. This technique incorporates comfortable positioning, subtle movements and gentle compression to find positions of comfort which allow the body to change the stress and pain patterns which are causing the discomfort. It is highly effective in working with chronic stress, injuries and pains or problems associated with postural and structural imbalances.

Acupressure and Myofascial Release for TMJ Disorder

$45 - 30mins | $75 - 60mins

This treatment specifically focuses on pain and discomfort associated with TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) Disorder. Sessions will consist of targeting trigger points, muscular adhesions and myofascial restrictions in and around the jaw and other parts of the cranium that may be contributing to imbalance. It is recommended to begin treatment as a series - once per week for three to four weeks and then follow a maintenance regiment.

Call 555-555-1212 or contact me today for an appointment.

hours by appointment only

What is Bodywork?

Bodywork is a term that encompasses a wide variety of forms of touch therapies that may use manipulation, movement, and/or re-patterning to affect structural changes to the body. It is recommended for the client wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing for each of the following bodywork modalities.

We pride ourselves on providing absolute top quality, results oriented, yet affordable bodywork and skincare treatments. We also offer packages which can be discussed during your first appointment. We also offer packages for most treatments which can be discussed during your first appointment.